
EFT Tapping

EFT tapping is a rebalancing energy healing that can help with pain and emotional release. During EFT, we use the energy points which are throughout our bodies. By tapping, we release the pressures and blockages that are caused by past events or worries.

EFT can be helpful with variety of issues from back pain to depression. EFT is usually used in combination with hypnosis. If you prefer to work with EFT only, that is possible as well.

Dream therapy

Dream therapy is the process of unraveling what dreams mean in relation to when we are awake. The process of dream interpretation is symbolic.

According to Sigmund Freud, dreams are the easiest way to understand the unconscious workings of the mind. Even when we sleep, the mind is working for. Dreams are a way of processing information and venting out the unnecessary emotions. By analyzing dreams, it is possible to understand the subconscious belief systems

Handwriting Analysis

Your handwriting tells a lot about you!

Handwriting is one of the most subtle ways to reveal subconscious belief systems. By analyzing your handwriting, you can understand your core belief systems and what is holding you back. Each analysis includes detailed description of your writing along with signature analysis

Online self-hypnosis classes

Self-hypnosis is a self-help tool that helps you retrain your mind for you to be able to change your everyday habits and thinking. This tool is very similar to meditation however, you can organize your thoughts and use intense imagery in addition to the calm state.

Self-hypnosis has been found to be helpful in variety of areas such as pain management, increasing self-esteem, improving motivation and even improving sleep.

Law of attraction

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract in our lives what we focus on. It is the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate and materialize everything in our minds into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts eventually turn into things.

When you feel comfortable in your own skin, you put on everything that resonates with it. The better you feel, the more you can pull towards you in a positive way. Your frequency/vibration is so important! Your thoughts largely determine how you feel. It is therefore desirable to be in control of your thoughts and consciously choose the most positive thoughts possible.

Relationship strategies

Successful relationships require continued maintenance and effort. When going well, they are wonderful. All too often, we are face with situation we are unprepared for. We are hit with something we never imagined, or we will find we just need more tools to help navigate difficult or stressful situation. You discover traits of your ideal partner and tips to attract them to you. In addition you will be assisted with proven strategies in all your relationships, including setting healthy boundaries, finding your inner voice, creating win-win scenarios and more.
