
What is hypnotherapy good for

Hypnotherapy can help you live the life you desire by eliminating roadblocks and instill positive changes throughout your life. You CAN be the person you want to be!


Assistance in substance abuse recovery. Help for loved ones affected by the addict’s negative behaviors.


Have the career you want. Reawaken your passion for success. Increase motivation, release fears, get organized and take steps to reach your goals with ease and confidence.

Fears and Phobias

Conquer your fears, such as flying, heights, loss of control, water, animals, and death.

Grief Recovery

Moving forward after suffering profound loss.

Habit Control

Eliminate bad habits from your life, including nail biting, smoking, and drinking.

Health and Rejuvenation

Stay healthy by managing your emotional and physical pain to increase energy, happiness, and well-being.


Increase your memory and focus, gain better study habits, and eliminate test anxiety.

Life-Altering Events

Hypnotherapy can help you process major changes in your life, including death, divorce, loss, trauma, and relocation.


Remove roadblocks. Release limiting beliefs and negative self-talk standing in the way of your success. Create the life you want.

Negative Emotions

Regain happiness in your life. Let go of anger, sadness, frustration, fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, worry and hurt.


Repair, enrich and create fulfilling personal and professional relationships. Overcome sexual problems and difficulties. Forgive yourself and others.

Relaxation and Stress Management

Achieve a lasting state of well-being using self- hypnosis, meditation, and Mindful Awareness practices.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Feel better about yourself. Achieve more of what you want – in every area of your life.
